Welcome To The Law Office of Harold L. Thompson
The Law Office of Harold L. Thompson is a firm that services Tulsa County and the Northeastern counties of Oklahoma. Over the last decade Mr. Thompson demonstrated mastery skills and expertise as the leading Matrimony and Child Custody attorney in Tulsa.
Through settlement conferences, negotiations, and mediation, every case does not go to trial. In fact, 98% of cases are successfully settled outside of court without the client going through the stress of a lengthy litigation. But, when a trial is necessary, our clients know they will receive focused and aggressive representation.
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Client Testimonials

“Harold was called onto the case at the last minute. He did a very good job coming up to speed with the past history as well as the present issues. Due to his knowledge and perseverance, Harold was able to save myself from paying $30k in requested arrears. I highly recommend Harold for family law.”
“Harold worked with me thru all phases of my divorce. I was impatient at times and he understood, provided me with sound legal advice assured me that things were progressing and was a friend through it all. I do and did appreciate his representation thru this needless nightmare.”
“Great understanding man! Very knowledgeable in what he does. The way he holds himself let’s you know right then he means business. I will always use him when I need a lawyer!!!! Hands down trust him with everything”

As with most U.S. states, Oklahoma courts decide custody based on the best interests of the child. It generally is optimal that parents work together to agree on custody and visitation arrangement regarding their minor children. However, if such an arrangement is not possible, the court will look to Oklahoma Title 43 section 109 and consider what appears to be in the best interest of the physical and mental welfare of the child. In pursuit of the best interest, the court may consider is: When appropriate, the desires of the child;
- The child’s emotional and physical needs now and in the future;
- The emotional and physical danger to the child now and in the future;
- The parental abilities of the individuals seeking custody;
- The programs available to assist these individuals to promote the best interest of the child;

Oklahoma’s Child Support Guideline Schedule helps estimate the amount that Robert would provide Georgia if she is the custodial parent for all three of their children still under the age of 18*.
*Oklahoma does allow for a child who is still in high school until the age of 19 before they are no longer minors.
For questions related to child support, please call (918) 585.1107, the law firm of Fry and Elder, and ask for me, Harold Thompson, child support attorney. Hablamos Español.
To estimate the amount of child support, visit the Oklahoma Child Support Computation Here

In marriage, the father of children born is legally presumed to be the husband. In cases where the parents are not married, paternity needs to be verified by genetic testing or if both parents sign an Acknowledgment of Paternity. The same is true if the child is not the husband. The husband must sign a Denial of Paternity form. But in some cases, verifying paternity may require the father to appear in court. This is the situation where the parent can be found in direct or indirect contempt of court.
For example, if Robert interfered with the court proceedings before the judge when determining paternity related to child support, he could be held in direct contempt. Or if he would not appear in court for these proceedings, he could be held in indirect contempt.
For questions related to contempt of court related to paternity actions, please call (918) 551-6581, the law firm of Fry and Elder, and ask for me, Harold Thompson, alimony attorney. Hablamos Español.

Does Oklahoma Provide For Alimony/Partner Support in Common Law Marriages
The state of Oklahoma recognizes common law marriages. It is as legally binding as a marriage with a ceremony and license. If partners in a common law marriage decide to separate, they do need to divorce.
We’ll keep our fictional couple of Robert and Georgia for this example too. But in this scenario, they never formally married. Over their lives, they used a joint checking account, bought a house together, had children together, and filed taxes together. In public, they presented themselves as the cool couple minus the wedding ring.
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Common Law Marriages in Oklahoma
For Robert and Georgia’s partnership to be recognized as a common law marriage, all of the below must be true.
- Both parties were able to be legally married: of age, not married to others.
- Both parties agreed to become “husband” and “wife” or “husband” and “husband” or “wife” and “wife.”
- The parties lived together as domestic partners.
- The relationship was permanent.
- The relationship was exclusive.
- In public, the parties presented themselves as married to each other.
Thirty years later when Robert and Georgia decide to go in different directions, they do need to “divorce” to avoid legal problems connected with their domestic partnership. Such problems might include their children’s inheritances, dividing up property equitably, and whether or not one of the partners, Georgia in this case, may need spousal support until she can support his/herself.
If you find yourself a dependent spouse/partner after a “divorce” and need help discussing the possibility of alimony, please call (918) 551-6581 and ask for me, Harold Thompson, alimony attorney. Hablamos Español.